Pearl 169: Anointed
Pearl 171: Him-Haw

Pearl 170: Looking for You

TOPIC: Purpose and Opportunities    

"When a Samaritan woman came to draw water,
Jesus said to her, 'Will you give me a drink?'" - John 4:7.

Jesus never had to go looking for purpose; it always came looking for him. Here He was sitting by a well resting, when I needy woman came to draw water at an unusual time of day for that work (she was probably avoiding the other women). Jesus engaged her in conversation and before the day was done, a revival had broken out in that village. It is the same with your purpose; it probably comes looking for you and, you are so accustomed to it, that you don't consider it anything special. What situation or problem always seems to find you, no matter where you are or how many you are with? What kind of people do you always seem to encounter and where are they when you do? What do you always seem to have that they need?

Lord, I understand that I can be looking for purpose everywhere except where I should, and that is the history and daily activity in my own life! Show me where I am looking past my purpose because I don't think what I do and who I am is particularly interesting or important. Help me see me for who I truly am.


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