Pearl 169: Anointed
June 17, 2013
TOPIC: Purpose and Effectiveness
". . . how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him" - Acts 10:38.
It may be difficult for you to consider yourself 'anointed, for that seems like a church word used when someone preaches or teaches. Yet you accomplish your purpose the same way Jesus did His, and that is by the anointing or power of the Spirit -- no matter how simple or mundane your purpose may be. You are to 'go around' doing good with that anointing, whatever the 'good' is for you. Another way of describing this anointing is that God is with you when you perform your purposeful deeds. When do you sense God's presence with you? What are you doing when He is with you? How can you do those things more often and more effectively than you are now?
Lord, when I flow in purpose, it is only because You are with me and that enables and empowers me. Now show me where I am to 'go' so that I may do good and help others just like Jesus did. I will no longer resist this anointing, but will take Your presence with me in the power of my purpose as often as possible.