Pearl 120: Worldly Wealth
April 29, 2013
TOPIC: Organization and Money
"So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth,
who will trust you with true riches?" - Luke 16:11.
How you handle money is an indication of how you will handle true riches, which are ministry opportunities to change lives and impact communities. That means you are paying your bills on time, saving some when possible, and being generous with those in need. All that requires discipline to move beyond good intentions to actual performance. How faithful are you with money? Do you see how it is a training ground for true riches? Where can you improve?
Lord, You have entrusted me with some worldly wealth and You are watching how I handle it. That will determine what else you give me to do. Help me to organize my financial world with excellence, not as an end, but as a means to an end - the end being serving You in more significant ways in the future.