Q85: Turning Back
Q86: New Heart

A Dream Fulfilled

1 PlaqueToday we participated in the dedication of the library and learning center here on the outskirts of Nairobi, in a town called Banana. You can read all about my day here, but suffice it to say that it was a very special day.  Probably eight years ago, I attended a cocktail party book signing, at which one of the Kenyan cabinet education ministers was there. He made some brief remarks, but asked if those present could help start libraries in Kenya, since there are very few.  He said that the people were bored and had nothing to read.  That made an impact on me and I determined then to do just that.

Today we dedicated the space for the first of what I hope to be many libraries throughout Kenya (I am pictured at the right reading some dedicatory prayers with Pastor Peter). I want to 1 John and Peter Dedicatebuild one good model so that others can copy what was done. This library will have books, an Internet center, and a study room where children can do their homework. While education is free up to high school here, the books are not, so many students fall behind because they have no books and no place to do homework.  This learning center will provide that.

Once we get the books we have shipped released from South Africa, we will work on getting a copy of every text book for every grade level in the library so children can come visit every day if need be.  Then we will get the Internet Center up and running. After that we will continue to ship resources to the Banana branch while we start others.  Just writing this makes me excited.

1 $1000Our trip is going well and the team members are all fine.  We have two more days of ministry before we head off to safari. The team returns home on Saturday and I stay a few more days to finish up some training but will be home for Easter.  In the meantime, I am still searching for the remainder of The Big Blessing money. For all I know, it could be sitting in my post office box back home, or maybe the Lord has something else in mind.  If you feel led to give at this point, you can still donate through my site or by 1 Doors Opensending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882 (We gave $1,000 today toward the ongoing work of the library, pictured left).

Thank you for helping make today possible. I wish you could have been here and I have done my best to chronicle the day.  At right is Pastor Peter and I officially opening the doors of the library space. There is nothing like a goal reached in the will of God that required faith and perserverance.  Thank You, Lord, for allowing us to be used of You.


Linda Rinchiuso

Congratulations John. You shared this vision with our mission team when we accompanied you in 2005. I can only imagine your joy at seeing this happen. I am so excited for you because I know how you dreamed of this one day. You live a life that is worthy of your calling. Praise God for his faithfulness in your journey!

christine omolo

Congratulation Pastor. I am happy with what you are doing. About you doing it in other areas I am a teacher in kibera and we are building a school for slum children and would like to benefit from your library project. We have bought some books but need more. please find it in your heart to visit the centre in olympic contact person Lily oyare 0722272968. Please please please. I know you from woodley church NPC.Have a blessed stay in Kenya

Shirley Pierre

God bless you and the entire team. I have spent some years on the foreign mission field and know what a blessing it is to be used of God to serve those less fortunate than ourselves. Thanks for the report from Kenya. Pastor Shirley Pierre

Rose Chep'

Recently i resigned from my job of 10 years, the job was wonderful, it had a good medical cover, i traveled the world through my job, but i was very unhappy and the more i stayed the more i got sicker and the more stressed, this brought me to a point where i had to take a journey down my heart to discover what is it i can do, i discovered one of my hobbies to be the key to what i have always wanted and i thank God for helping me make this decision.
it took me 2 years to go down my heart....and when time came, not even my friends could convince me to stay in the job, my employer had serious conversation with me not to quit my job, but time had come and i had to leave.

Online GED

Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a perfect way of writing and i was looking for more info.

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