Proverbs 4:3-4
Q5: Doubt

Q4: Courage

What would Jesus ask you today?

"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" - Matthew 8:26.

Fear is a common theme throughout this devotional series. It's something we all must deal with, and the issue becomes challenging because fear often shows up as rational and perfectly normal. Yet it often prevents us from acting in faith. Our parents, Adam and Eve, were afraid and hid from God after they sinned. Unfortunately, we inherited their propensity for fear and shame. Where is fear crippling your ability to serve the Lord? Where is it keeping you from fulfilling your purpose or dreams? Someone once said courage isn't the absence of fear, it's learning to function in the midst of it. Read Deuteronomy 31:1-6 and then summon the courage today to overcome the fear that hinders you, realizing that you are not alone for the Lord is with you.


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