A Big Year-End Goal!
November 29, 2010
I woke up at 2 AM this morning, a common occurrence when you travel. With time on my hands, I decided to catch up on my accounting for the money you have helped me raise for my work here in Kenya. I was so excited by what I saw, that I could not go back to sleep. It was so good that I decided to share it with you.
The Fund was started in January, 2009 to feed HIV/AIDS orphans and widows. Last year we raised $10,646 and this year we have received $6,675, for a grand total of $17,321! The beauty of this is that all the money goes toward food with 0% for overhead or expenses. I cover all my travel plus any bank fees or other expenses connected with getting the money to work over here. I would like to raise $4,000 in December to keep pace with what we received last year. Can you afford to contribute $5 or more to The Sophia Fund in December? If so, see the bottom of this email for instructions how.
This project started this year to help orphanages in Kenya build chicken farms for food, income and work experience for orphans. To date, $3,200 has come in for the first project at the Each One Touch One Orphanage. I will visit the project later in my trip, but I think we need about $2,000 to stock this farm with a lot of chicks! Future projects may not be this large, but this effort seems right to do and we are learning a lot. The first chicken house is pictured at left.
The Deborah Foundation exists to establish learning centers in villages and orphanages around the Kenya countryside. There are no public libraries here in Kenya and often schools and orphanages lack even the most basic resources, like crayons, pencils and paper. This year we raised $2,935 to bring over 1,500 pounds of books and educational resources last February. I am bringing another team over next March and we have already begun collecting books, toys, and shoes to bring with us. We will need at least as much as we had last year to transport the stuff over here. Can you help?
Last spring, we raised $3,918 to purchase underwear and feminine products for youth here who cannot attend school without this basic need being met. Your generosity enabled me to bring over 2,500 sets of underwear and contribute the remaining $2,000 to purchase other necessities for the young ladies.
So my goal for this December is a big one. I want to raise $10,000 - $4,000 for Sophia Fund food, $4,000 to transport Deborah Foundation supplies and $2,000 for Operation Chicken Coop. It's a lot of money, but if you do your part as the Lord leads, it will be nothing at all. What's more, every dollar you give goes directly to the cause for which you donated. There is no overhead taken out by anyone along the way.
You can give through the Chipin widget on the site where this is posted, my website or by sending a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 8882, Pittsburgh, PA 15221-0882. No gift is too small and obviously a few large gifts would really help the orphans and women here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write. I urge you to use this holiday season to do something significant for those who cannot do it for themselves. As you do, I know you will have a Merry Christmas and a happy and blessed New Year!
You're doing amazing work, John! Thanks
for the update.
Posted by: Sandy Davis | December 18, 2010 at 05:38 PM