A Thank You From Kenya
February 21, 2010
While in Kenya last week, I delivered $3,000 from the Sophia Fund and 28 bags of educational supplies to establish learning centers in three separate orphanages. Before we left, some of the team asked if it was worth trying to take over all the books, shoes and educational resources that we did. It cost us $3,000 in shipping fees alone to take our excess luggage. After we delivered the goods and they saw the impact it made, they all said, "We wish we could have brought more!' When you see an orphan who has nothing and how they respond when they see a ball or a book, it is all worth it. Thank you for making it all possible through your gifts and prayers. (You can read about my trip to Kenya here on my travel blog.)
Yesterday I received the thank you below from the head of one of the orphanages. Her comments let me know not only that we did important work, but that the resources are having their intended results:
You came, blessed, energized, livened and left an extremely happy EOTOO team of children and founder members. I could almost touch the reluctance to part in all present at the Children's Home on the 8th of February 2010 afternoon. All because there was a lot of bonding going on. And that was God given bonding. For that, all the gifts and the learning material, and on behalf of the EOTOO Team, I say a BIG THANK YOU AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.
We remained and are still in high esteem, particularly as we open and discover the many learning resources that have given birth to the ‘DEBORAH LIBRARY’ at the Home. It is a rich collection that is strong enough to stimulate and brighten blessed young minds to grow into intelligent adults. We have already started putting some of it to use. The resources will be in full use by end of March when the school holidays begin and the children will be free of their school work and have all the time and attention to learn what else is new
First, was their involvement in the Game of Chutes and Ladders. It was all excitement for them, but for me/us, we have discovered a lot in them; abilities and inabilities to grasp the gist of the game, attentiveness or lack of it, concentration on the game or lack of it and a lot of other observations that will help me/us focus in areas of need for each child.
With trust in God, the learning resources will help the children to become better people in their lives. We all wish you a fruitful stay on this earth as you bless the children and other people of God.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Alice Kwendo
Programme Coordinator
Each One Touch One Orphanage
Please give to feed or educate Kenyan orphans through my nonprofit organization. You can give through my website or send a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 91099, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. Just let me know if your contribution is to be used for food or books and I promise to use it for that purpose. Just $5 will help me feed an orphan for two weeks! Do what you can and please do it today.