2,011 Crayons
December 20, 2009
We have been gathering and sorting things that have come in for the Deborah Foundation and my son reports that we have received 2,011 crayons to date! I think that may be a little low, since we have received more stuff since he last counted. There is still time for you to contribute educational books, games or shoes toward the Deborah Foundation I also had a meeting today with the team going with me to Kenya in February and it looks like our final count is 14 people. That is a nice size for a traveling team.
I received another email from Alice in Kenya last week and this time she reported on one of the orphans I was so taken by during my last trip. Her name is Deborah and she is almost nine years old. Here is a picture of Deborah that I took during my visit. Alice sent me a pictorial report of Deborah's progress this year, which took Deborah from malnutrition and worms to good grades in school. I cannot download the pictures in Alice's report, so you will have to download the report below and read it for yourself. I promise it is worthwhile reading.
I am off this week from work and will be going to visit my wife's family this week in Maryland and then on to New York City. I will stay in touch as I have time, but today I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas. May the joy of Emmanuel, God with us, be yours this holiday season and may you remember to bless others as you have been blessed. If you wish to donate to the Sophia Fund or Deborah Foundation, you may do so online through my site or by sending a check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 91099, Pittsburgh, PA, 15221. Thank you and God bless you! (You can read past entries or find out how to ship donations of educational stuff to my work in Kenya on my blog site.)
Since you introduced Sophia fund in Kenya i can testify that life have been changed and in the schools we teach girls for the second month are receiving sanitary towels and thy are so grateful that they can learn with dignity.Also through the books and creations you gave us we have been able to make life of some kinds to be a smile.The training also in collaboration with Goal has helped us and one of the head teacher in one of the schools we attend in quoted in our report saying,(for the first time in our school history,no case of teenager pregnancy have happened and all this was attributed to the education they have received from Wapis and Johs stanco group which was comprised of pst john,Debb,beverly,gregory,tamala,and the rest.We thank you all and may God bless you all.
Posted by: peter kamau | January 13, 2010 at 10:45 AM