Proverbs 30:8
Proverbs 1:33

The Morning After

The church where I serve has six weekend services. Speaking five times (one is a video recording) over a weekend is not without its challenges. First of all, I must work to keep all five messages the same, even though the time available usually varies. I know 3-4 minutes does not seem like much, but when you only have 25 minutes or so, it can make a big difference. I have to think through what stories to include or not to include. Since there are PowerPoint slides, I cannot change the skeleton of the message, but may or may not have time for all the illustrations. What's more, I try to leave time for an altar call.

Then there is the issue of stamina. I like to inject some energy and passion into my messages and not shortchange any service. You have a lot going on while you are speaking as well, like babies crying, people coughing (one man who coughs sounds like an explosion), and people exiting rows. All that is normal for a speaker, but it adds to the challenge of staying focused and moving the message forward. Finally, there is the need to get done so the people can move out and the next service move in.

So here I am on Monday and I feel like I have moved some furniture. Please don't misunderstand: this is not a complaint. I just thought I would share some of what, from my perspective, goes on in doing multiple weekend services. If you would like to listen to or watch my messages from last weekend or two weeks ago, you can access them on the church site.

One more thing: I got this message on Facebook last night and thought I would share it with you. This kind of report makes the work of preaching so very worth everything that is invested:


We have never met. I have been witnessing to one of my friends for over two years and finally convinced him to visit ACAC this morning, (I lead worship at an Alliance Church); he lives in Bellevue.

Anyway - long story short - he accepted Christ this morning as a result of hearing your sermon!

Thank you for serving!

Wow! Thank you Lord for the privilege of serving your people and your Kingdom! But now it's the morning after and time to return to our regularly-scheduled work week. There is certainly more to church work than preaching and teaching!


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