One Down, One to Go
June 06, 2009
I started school again last Monday at Reformed Presbyterian Seminary. I have been in class all week and will be again next week from 8 to 4:30, Monday through Saturday. It is grueling, but the class was fairly interesting as we spent the week studying passages related to biblical worship. The Reformed Presbys hold to the regulative principle, which states that if it isn't in the Bible, it should not be done where worship is concerned. Therefore they sing only the Old Testament psalms without any musical instruments.
This position was presented and defended but was not forced on any of the students, since none of us are from a Reformed Presbyterian church. I came away from the class with an increased appreciation for the psalms but could not accept the presuppositions that allow for the exclusive psalmody position. We had some interesting class debate, but all in a good spirit of discussion and fellowship.
As usual, there was lots of work reading up to the class and once we finish there will be 20-page paper due. Next week, we have an Issues in Theology class, for which I have not completed the class readings, most of which are from German authors who make the simple complex, if you know what I mean. After next week's class, I will have one more class next February. When I have all my class work done and my project/thesis submitted, I will graduate with a Doctor of Ministry. I have been in the program two years, and it has been a great experience. I am learning a lot and how can anyone complain when you get to sit for almost eight hours a day and discuss Scripture and the things of God! It is a privilege to be enrolled.
What's more, I marvel at God's timing, for I started this program two years ago. With my position at Allegheny Center Alliance Church now, I am glad I made the decision to go back to school. Every course has helped me prepare for what I am doing at ACAC now. What are you doing to grow and be more effective in the work God has given you to do? If you are thinking of going back to school, may I heartily endorse that option if you can make it work. If not, at least embark on a reading program or attend some lectures or seminars that will make you better at what you do.