The Sophia Fund
January 25, 2009
On January 1, I launched what I am calling The Sophia Fund. This is a humanitarian effort to feed the poor in Kenya and Zimbabwe. I had an email from a reader asking for more information as he and his wife prayed about making a contribution. You may have the same questions he did, so I thought I would share my edited comments to him with you:
2. I have a friend in Zimbabwe named Joan. I helped position here in Zim 12 years ago and she has now adopted AIDS orphans into her home and cares for them. She also directs many outreaches in her community and is a committed believer who works with a large church in Harare pastored by an American couple. She is in the community, with no overhead, so her resources go directly to help the people.
Those are my two sources that I will work with at this time. There may be more over time, but they will all be the same: little or no overhead with committed Christian values who aren't just feeding, but using food as a token of God's love to give people the bread of heaven.
If you need any other info, don't hesitate to ask. We of course are keeping not one penny here but will pass everything on to those in need.
May God direct your prayers and steps, as I know He will. I appreciate you even praying about this.
In Him,
We have already raised almost $800 and I am asking every reader to contribute at least $5 toward the fund and hopefully more. You can use the "Chipin" widget on this site to contribute, or go directly to my website to contribute there through PayPal, or send a tax-deductible check to PurposeQuest, PO Box 91099, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. Make sure you let me know it is for The Sophia Fund. Don't delay; give today! I leave for Kenya on February 11.
Glad you started the Sophia Fund, John! I hope it catches on and grows and becomes a significant source of assistance to the suffering in Africa. Just sent a contribution to it.
Our Superbowl party was going totally insane cheering for the Cardinals. It looked so close to having God's will be accomplished with an Arizona win, but then that last drive fueled by the very fires of... oh well.
Glad to know that at least the good citizens of Pittsburgh can rejoice, while the rest of the entire earth mourns such a tragic loss...
I'm taking off Saturday for the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, and then on to Israel from there to host a tour. You'll be heading back to Africa about the same time. I'm sure we'll run into one another... how big can Africa and the Middle East be, anyway? Don't they all pretty much know each other and hang out?
Warmly, Rob Moritz
Posted by: Rob Moritz | February 03, 2009 at 04:04 AM
To all those who have contributed towards this kitty, may God bless you and thank you for the good work you are doing.
Jack Opondo- Nairobi.
Posted by: Jack Oopondo | April 21, 2009 at 08:28 AM
Hi John,
You are welcome to post information on The Sophia Fund on Together We Flourish. It's a free service to help raise awareness about good work.
Posted by: Susan/TogetherWeFlourish | April 18, 2011 at 09:09 AM