A Sad Letter From Zimbabwe
Changing the Way We Do Church 6

The Sophia Fund: Lend the Lord Some Money

I wrote yesterday about the deplorable conditions in Zimbabwe.  I have not written about the equally deplorable situation in Kenya that I saw when I was there a few weeks ago.  I have worked in Africa since 1993 and have always tried to leave a deposit there of my teaching, trying to encourage, equip and strengthen whenever I could.  I was convinced on my last trip, however, that I needed to do more. 

As you know, Mother Stanko passed away last October 26.  My mother loved food. She loved to shop, cook, entertain, preserve and give away food.  Every Christmas season she made thousands of cookies to give away to everyone she knew.  Until the time she died at 92 years of age, she invited friends in to feed them.  My sister tells me that when beggars would come to our home when my sister was young, my mother always sent them to the back door where she gave them a sandwich and a cup of coffee.

So while I was in Africa, I was praying about something to do to honor my mother's memory and meet the needs of the people.  It was a no-brainer that I could honor my mother by helping to feed people, just as she did when she was alive.

So I have decided to start what I am calling The Sophia Fund through my nonprofit organization, PurposeQuest International.  My family and I are making a donation from some of the money that my mother left after her death to get things started and I am asking you to give as well.  Perhaps you have wanted to do something for the poor in Africa and didn't know what or how.  Now is your chance and The Sophia Fund is your means to do so.

The Bible is clear:  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27).  The Sophia Fund will do just what the verse addresses:  we will feed the orphans and widows.  Every penny that comes in will go to the poor; we will not take out any administrative fees or overhead.  And specifically the money will go to Zimbabwe and Kenya, through reliable sources that I have developed over the years.

Now you can make a difference in the world right from where you sit.  For just $5, less than the price of a movie ticket, you can feed someone for a week!  For the price of one meal at a fast-food restaurant, you can feed a widowed mother or her orphaned children.  In these troubled times, you can make an investment that is sure to pay great dividends.  "He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done" (Proverbs 19:17). 

It's kind of a bizarre thought that you can lend something to God, who owns everything.  Yet it's true and I implore you to do just that today.  

You can contribute to The Sophia Fund via PayPal by clicking the orange ChipIn button:

Or go to my website where you can also make a donation through PayPal.  Mark the memo on your contribution The Sophia Fund and it will be directed to that Fund.  

You may be able to give $100 or you may give $5, but don't put off doing something another day.  If you prefer, you can write a check to PurposeQuest and mail it to PO Box 91099, Pittsburgh, PA  15221-7099. 

I will not include pictures of starving children.  I will not play on your emotions, but I am appealing to your heart that you not ignore the cry of starving people, people you can easily reach and help.  Don't underestimate your power to make a difference and then act today.  If you have any questions or comments, please post them to this site for all to read.  Thank you and together let's make a difference in the lives of those who cannot repay and watch God reward us accordingly.


Jeff Paul Internet Millions

Thanks for posting such vital information. I am new to the blogging scene. Any and all pointers are helpful.

Sophia - Beijing Reservation

Nice point of view, God and money in one sentence...You proceeded with your own best judgment of the circumstances and of what needs to be done for your goals — while not making the mistake of trying to shoehorn some “strategy” being touted by the business majors/managers as “the best strategy for making money with the new technologies”, correct?


Hi..John..I've been richly blessed by your Monday Memos over the years :) I wanted to donate to Sophia using Mastercard but it did not accept it..What can I do to rectify the matter. I am from Singapore.

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