Changing the Way We Do Church 6
Slavery Awareness Day

Back to Teaching

Last night I returned to my part-time teaching career at the Center for Urban Biblical Ministry here in Pittsburgh.  I am teaching one three-credit course, Messianic Prophecy: The Old Testament in the New and it was a great first class (at least for me it was).  I have another one-credit class that is broken into three installments later in the term and I also have a class trip to Kenya in February.  I enjoy teaching, especially working with adult students who are serious about learning.  And speaking about learning, I have my next class in my Doctor of Ministry degree program at the end of February, this one in biblical counseling.  I am in the midst of my reading and writing preparation for that class. 

So what are reading and studying?  Are you taking any classes?  If so, tell us about them here so others will be encouraged to do something to learn and grow in their own world and life. 


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