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I Told You BA Had Problems

I had written in the past about my dislike for British Airways due to their arrogance and poor service. I was taken to task by some because of service problems with American airlines, something I have also acknowledged. Often when you are American and you criticize another country, the issue isn't whether or not you are correct. The issue becomes that you are an American and automatically perceived as arrogant, or that you are portraying America as the standard of excellence. I am an American and I know I am influenced by American culture and thinking. Yet I never try to hold my country as the standard. BA's service is bad because it is bad, not because it is British. Come to think of it, US Airways' service is also bad because it is bad, even though they are an American company.

Well, now a commission in the UK has recommended that BA sell off their ownership in UK airports since their monopoly has contributed to their abysmal service. You can read the article here. Aha! I knew I knew what I knew. BA still ranks in my mind as one of the worst airlines to fly and I am delighted to see someone put forth ideas for how they can improve. BA is too good of a company and too important to the world of travel for this situation to persist and I applaud the UK commission for having the courage to say so.

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