March 25, 2008
Part of my purpose wherever I go is to stir up other writers. I love to write and have published a few books, so I know what it's like to hold something you've created in your hand. It's a great feeling. I want others to share that feeling, so I encourage aspiring writers to write and not worry about the outcome. It is difficult (but not impossible) to find a publisher, but the best option for most writers starting out is to self-publish.
There are more online publishing options than ever before. I have used iUniverse on several occasions and I am currently using Dog Ear Publishing to publish a friend's book from South Africa. You can check out those options and see that you can publish for very little money and then order books only as you need them. That avoids investing large sums of money to maintain book inventory. You pay more for each book by publishing like that, so you make less for every book that you sell. It usually pays off, however, unless you anticipate selling a lot of books once you have them.
If you would like an example to inspire you to write, may I recommend two books that I helped edit that are offered through iUniverse. They're volumes of poetry by my brother-in-law, Ed Folino. Ed has a gift for rhyme that he toyed with all his life. Then at the age of sixty, he took the plunge to publish and now he has published two books. He is working on his third volume as I write. When you go to iUniverse, you can put in his book names -- My Pittsburgh and Long Time Coming -- and the volumes will come up for you to see. If you want to be inspired to publish your own book, you can order one or both of his books to see what the self-published finished product looks like. They are available in paper or you can download an e-copy. You will see the quality of the work and how Ed has taken his gift and put it out there for the world to see. I am proud of him and urge you to do the same with your own gifts.
If you would like to know more about self-publishing, there is a great book entitled, The Fine Print of Self-Publishing by Mark Levine. I would recommend you invest in it along with my sister-in-law's ebook on how to write a book that can be found on her site. The important thing is that you stop talking and start writing. Then it's important to see that publishing your long-awaited work is easier than you perhaps thought. If I can help or encourage you, please let me know
Technorati Tags: Self-publishing
Had to reply to this one. My first book was a fully sponsored self-publishing experiment. It's advantages are obvious: fast, cheap and hussle free. You are assured that your dream comes true. That's one big reason I am going that route with my next book and why I would recommend it for anyone who is serious about publishing. However, I want to add that when you do so you have to be prepared to do a lot of marketing on your own. You have to have a selling strategy. How are you going to get people to buy your book? How are you going to get it in bookshops? Bookshops usually prefer working with established publishers over individuals who 'have no name'so to say. I had to go on national TV to drive my sales. But at the same time let these obstacles not hinder you from going for your dream of publishing your book. I hope to have my next book out in time for Christmas this year but I have not even the slightest idea where the money to publish it is going to come from. But I am going to be ready for it when it comes. My script is going to be ready for review in May and the rest of the journey is going to be a walk of faith. As always, Be Inspired. Ed.
Posted by: Edmore | March 26, 2008 at 10:03 AM
Getting your message out there is great, but doing it by self-publishing a book is not necessarily the best route. Speaking as an editor, I receive many books that people think really don't need any editing, and yet they do. John, you have the benefit of having your sister-in-law help with editing, but most people don't. If we as Christians put out books with a multitude of errors in them, people may discount what we have to say. I believe we have the best message in the world and, as such, we need to make sure they are not filled with errors that detract from what we are saying.
Posted by: Kathy B. | April 09, 2008 at 01:00 PM
Thanks, Kathy, for the important adjustment in what I wrote. I assumed that editing was a part of everyone's thinking, which it is not. I agree: We CANNOT publish things that are junk. We must take the time to edit and make sure we put our best foot forward. I have edited the work of those whom I have helped self-publish. Plus, not only my sister-in-law, but you and Brian have also made adjustments to make my books comparable to any on the market today. Thank you!
Posted by: John | April 09, 2008 at 01:17 PM