Eating Our Way Through New York
The Work of Reconciliation

Help for Kenya

Anyone who has worked in Kenya is saddened by the recent turn of events there. I have been in touch with my contacts there, as much as one is able to maintain communication at this point, and things are bad. Although the violence has subsided for the moment, the political situation is tense with no solution in sight. The elected president is not about to step down and the opposition is not about to recognize his presidency. I just read a report that the mediation talks being conducted by the Ghanaian president have broken down.

I have friends on both sides of the issue and they have written me, one side claiming that the election was rigged, the other that the election was fair. My thoughts go back to the disputed election in the U.S. in 2000, but hundreds didn't lose their lives over the outcome. I found a pretty good article explaining some of the reasons for the violence in Kenya at a site called

My friend Bill Kinnon has written in his blog about the situation. Bill has been to Kenya and is quite passionate about the church's lack of response. Thanks, Bill, for the kick in the pants. I got this email from a church in western Kenya this morning:

Happy new year 2008.
We are in political chaos that caused many clashed in many parts of our nation. I believe you have seen this in your television. Many people have been displaced and ran for safely in our church. Even the room for this big number of people is not there. The place and foods which orphans used has now been used with this displaced women and children. We are in great needs of blankets, foods, and medicine. Kindly take this prayer need very seriously pastor. Share this with those who can quickly help in this situation please. Getting water has been a other problem, but my family, and those we work with in the ministry are all safe. Keep us in prayers as we try to help this suffering people.
I am waiting to hear from you. - pastor Josephat

So I am appealing that you help our brothers and sisters in Kenya. You can make a contribution to the situation on my site and every penny will go to reliable contacts in Kenya who will use the money for what it is intended. Or you can send my ministry a check at PurposeQuest, PO Box 91099, Pittsburgh, PA 15221.

And of course, pray! Pray for peace, pray for a political solution to the impasse and pray that people will come to know the Lord through this tragedy. It is a tragedy indeed, for Kenya was just a month ago one of the most stable and peaceful in Africa. Now it is on the verge of tribal war.

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