Kingdom Bank
December 02, 2007
I had a great time today with my friend Nigel Chanakira, CEO of Kingdom Financial Holdings, and his entire staff from across the country. They had to meet on Sunday since the bank could not close on Saturday or Monday due to the Zimbabwe economic crisis. Nigel has big dreams for his company and it was great to see the progress that he and his team have made. During the meeting, Nigel spelled out his desire to take the company to the London Stock Exchange and to Wall Street, and talked about what it will take to make those things happen.
Then I was called on to make some remarks and release the 700 employees into some team building exercises. I gave a quick overview of what I consider the five critical competencies that every global leader and manager needs to cultivate. Then the employees were divided into four groups (named after four African cats - the lion, cheetah, leopard and jaguar), and sent off on a scavenger hunt of sorts. The fact that the meeting was in a tent on a golf course allowed us to send them off pursuing some fun but almost impossible tasks. Then everyone came back for a wrap-up feedback session and the annual company achiever and performance awards. Then Nigel turned the day-to-day bank operations over to his successor in order to pursue his dreams of London and New York. It was a great but full program.
I must say that I enjoyed today's work with Kingdom and really want to do more of what I did today. I don't know why, but I am more energized working in that business environment more than any other at this point in my life.
Since we went over my material quickly, I promised to include the notes and the PowerPoint presentation for those present to access. They are both below.
Thank you for the generous inclusion of your ppt and notes/quotes files for your presentation. I'm on staff at my church as Director of Volunteer Equipping and I help other churches help their people serve. Your "5 competencies" are crucial not only for healthy volunteerism in a church, but for healthy and productive working together of staff. Powerful stuff with kingdom impact. I was recently referred to your blog and website and appreciate your work and your message. Thanks.
Posted by: Karen Kogler | December 03, 2007 at 10:28 AM
I Took a bit of time since the day of our team building to visit your website but i would like to let you know that i enjoyed it.Our team building was different is totaly different from the ones at other banks and this makes us unique as wallstreet destined people.
Posted by: Yvonnie Yolander Chindendere | December 19, 2007 at 08:10 AM