Thoughts on Leadership

Buddy, Can You Spare $175,000?

I am in Amsterdam, heading home. I finished my shortest visit to Zimbabwe in quite a while and now it's home for the holidays. I did some different things in Zim this time. After I addressed his bank employees, CEO Nigel Chanakira invited me to serve on the Kingdom Financial Holdings board of directors. I am looking forward to that new assignment. I also spoke to three different groups at the University of Zimbabwe Medical School.

The Medical School desperately wants (and needs) to develop a leadership training program for their students, so on the plane yesterday, I sketched out a plan to put one together. The cost: a mere $175,000. This would enable us to train, profile and equip the students in purpose, management and leadership issues, as well as give them some books for their leadership library (I'm being facetious; they don't have a library). The program would cover 500 students, plus faculty and staff and would lay the groundwork for a leadership "chair" or department at the Medical School.

If you know anyone who has a burden for this type of project of the money to fund it, then I want to talk to them. This is an investment that will pay dividends for decades to come and will impact medical professionals who are on the cutting-edge of HIV research and treatment. I am serious about this. I will find this money somewhere. Can you help with contacts or contributions? We already have the money; we just have to find out where it is. Join us in the faith search!

I am home for two days before Kathryn and I head out to California to be with our friends at Inspiration Cruises and Tours. We will also visit Kathryn's brother while out there and then return home before we head down to Florida for Christmas. It's hard to believe that 2007 is at an end. It's been a great year, however, and I can't wait to see what 2008 has in store.

Take care and in a few hours I will be on American soil and will utter my usual, "God bless America!"

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