Back To School
January 09, 2007
I am still in Dallas and will be here for a few more days. I'm staying busy, with new opportunities coming up every day. This is a great place for my purpose work.
I have made a decision to go back to school. Starting in August, I will attend classes at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh. The classes will lead to a Doctorate in Ministry (D. Min.) in two years with a minimal of class attendance and a ministry project. You may ask why I would decide to do this since I already have an earned doctorate.
There are many reasons, but mainly I have a goal to attend at least one program or seminar every year that can add something to my ability to carry out my work. This program certainly achieves that goal. I have other reasons that I won't go into here. The program's schedule is already published through 2009, so I will be able to adjust my travel schedule to attend the classes.
What are you doing to develop and grow in your capacity to fulfill your purpose? What classes are you attending? What books are you reading? What other things can you do to equip yourself for excellence and success? I am not saying you have to go back to school or do anything academic. But surely there is something you have been putting off that could yield great returns in your own personal PurposeQuest. Perhaps this is the year to pursue those things.
How many degrees does one man need? :-) Once you graduate, do I refer to you as
Dr. Dr. Stanko?
Congrats on your decision!
Jessica Davis
Posted by: Jessica Davis | January 10, 2007 at 08:29 AM
Happy New Year Dr.Stanko
Be well assured that your sharing on Back to School and Monday Memo 280 has stirred me up to go back to school. I may not have the finances but I am now looking for a school to do a doctorate in the area of urban ministry leadership. Any ideas on a viable school for me to study as I continue my work as a busy pastor in Nairobi, Kenya. I am considering Bukke Graduate University. Some thoughts about this?
Pst John Wesley Nguuh
Posted by: Nguuh | January 14, 2007 at 10:45 PM